Este blog muestra los trabajos realizados por los participantes en Valladolid DIBUJA y en los sucesivos Maratones de Dibujo (Sketchcrawl-Valladolid) convocados en la ciudad.

domingo, 14 de abril de 2013

39th Worldwide Sketchcrawl - Valladolid by Sol Sta Maria

These sketches are my contribution to the 39th Worldwide Sketchcrawl - Valladolid.  I used black pen and watercolor. I was with Miriam, Jesus, Felix, Pascual and Curro. The place is officially called as  Martí and Monsó Square. It is dedicated to Don José Martí and Monsó, painter, illustrator and  Fine Arts School director in Valladolid from 1871 to 1912.  Some of our photos and works can be seen below:


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